Monday, April 16, 2007

Dream a Little Dream

Dream a Little Dream, originally uploaded by Juicy Carolina.

From the beautiful girls of Flickr, enjoy Juicy Carolina

How to Look Like a Model

How to Look Like a Model
Looking like a model involves more than just pouting and strutting your stuff. Models have a confident mystique about them. Even the most unconventionally beautiful models carry themselves with an aura that exudes style, grace, and health. Here's how to get in touch with your own inner model and who knows, maybe even get "discovered!"

Get fit. Being healthy is a million times more important than being thin. Check with your doctor for your proper weight range and work to get and stay within it. Exercise, eat properly, and drink plenty of water you are what you are learn to like it. to achieve that weight and be as healthy as you can be. As long as you're in your healthy range, you'll look fabulous. And even if you're already happy with your body, it still might be good to tone it up--turn that flat stomach into a six pack!

Mind your style, from top to bottom. There are two things that can make or break your look: your hair and your shoes.

Look through hair magazines and talk with your hairstylist about what would look good with your face structure. Always keep your hair clean and styled, and make sure you go back to the salon every 2-3 months as your hair grows. Make sure the shade of your hair is vibrant; there's nothing worse than dull hair.

Wear clean, feminine shoes. That doesn't mean you always have to wear high heels (although that does help to send your model look up a notch). Models wear sneakers, too, and they wear them with style. Just make sure your shoes aren't worn out, and that you can walk comfortably in them (a grimace accompanied by a limp from the pain of wearing a torturous pair of shoes is unbecoming).

Be fashionable. This one is a given, but a lot of people don't realize how wrong they are in the clothes they wear. Learn about your body type, height, skin tone and preferences. Discover yourself, and fashion will come to you. Rid yourself of any insecurities, because you can look bad in a Gucci & Manolo shoes if your shoulders are slouching and you have a scared look on your face. You don't have to wear designer clothes, especially if you can't afford them. Just look through fashion magazines, pick your favourites and then find look-a-likes. Remember: Clothes don't make you, they complement you.

Smile, and do it like you mean it. Models are happy girls, even though they might look bored or fierce on the runway. They make tons of cash, have lots of beautiful friends, attend the hottest parties, and let's not forget that their job is to walk around in really expensive clothes. So, generally, they're happy with their lives and you should be, too. Who cares that you're broke, know no celebrities, and your job involves flipping burgers? Just make sure you're the prettiest burger flipper in your joint! Smile, be merry and people will notice that. It will help you meet people and be talked about. But to smile genuinely, you have to be genuinely happy with yourself. Some models are unhappy, some have eating disorders and use unhealthy ways to lose weight. Just because they do that, doesn't mean you have to. Don't hide behind your smile all the time. If you are unhappy about something, express your opinion. Models are good at expressing themselves. Don't be a jerk though.

Be your own makeup artist. Makeup is amazing, and any fashionista knows that. You can transform into so many different looks if you have the necessary tools and skills. Look through fashion magazines and practice the looks you see on yourself and your friends. Then invent your own looks and perfect them. Being able to apply makeup like a pro is a must for looking like a model. It requires practice, practice, and then some more practice.

Make sure every part of your body is as flawless as you can make it. We all have this idea that models are perfect human beings with perfect super powers, but they're just girls like you and me. Of course, they have been refined, polished, re-invented, and perfected. You can be all of these as well, with proper maintenance! Hygiene is extremely important.
Don't bite your nails and always keep them polished.

Keep your feet in impeccable conditions at all times (you never know when you will have to take your shoes off and dance on the tables!).

Soft elbows and knees are just as important as matching shoes and belt.
To get softer skin, try to exfoliate your skin at least once a month.

Keep those pearly whites pearly white! Use whitening strips if you need to, and stay far away from cigarettes and coffee, which will turn them yellow.

Be seen. What does it matter to look gorgeous if the only one that sees it is your family, and your teddy bears. Go out dancing with your friends, or dining, or whatever it is you like to do. Have fun and live it out. Models are also known for being party girls and amazing party hosts!
Educate yourself in culture. Stay on top of the arts, film, music, fashion, news and all things hip. Learn key phrases in various languages from countries with an active fashion scene. Travel the world, or watch the Travel Channel. Professional models learn to feel at home in any part of the world, and so must you--or at least you can pretend!

Watch your posture. How you carry yourself affects how people perceive you more than you think! Perk up that chin, throw those shoulders back, and glide through the air as if you just signed a ten million dollar contract. At home, practice carrying books on your head. Move like a dancer. Remember that every moment is a potential pose!

Skip the foundation, unless you're doing a photoshoot or runway show. Instead, focus on having healthy, clear, gorgeous skin and you won't need it! If you have to wear it, wear the light kinds and make sure it matches your skin tone. Go to a makeup shop and let a make up lady behind a counter help you find your shade. She knows more than you do.
Mascara and lip gloss should be part of your first aid kit. Mascara will open up your eyes and make them shine, and lip gloss will make your lips look juicy and inviting.
Magazines like Vogue (or Teen Vogue), Allure, Elle, etc. are very helpful in finding hairstyles, make up and clothes. If you're going for that runway look though, you might want to switch or combine with high fashion magazines such as Flaunt, Zink, MUSE, W, etc. These are magazines basically made for models, so you'll get the insider tips. These high fashion magazines also have lots of information about latest books, music, film, arts and all those things you want to know about.

This is an old trick: Find a model you like and follow her throughout the years. You'll learn tons of fashion from them.

Have a pair of shoes for every style you wear. Make sure you have different shoes for every season, especially if the weather changes dramatically in your area. There's nothing more hideous than Ugg boots in July, unless you live below the Equator. Make sure that you have ballet flats and fierce pumps for the Spring; Indian sandals and espadrilles for the Summer; mary janes and cowgirl boots for Autumn; and Uggs and all kinds of cute fuzzies for the Winter. Avoid flip-flops, please.

If you're serious about becoming a model, then you might want to invest in a modeling class session. You will learn a lot from these, and you will network with the professional models that teach the classes, and the amateur models just like you. Just make sure the organization is licensed so that you don't waste your money. Beware of agency scams, they will usually ask for money up front. If you don't have the money for classes, there's a lot of books, shows, and mentors out there that will help you. When you go to auditions, be extremely careful. Don't go to auditions posted in the "Jobs" section of the news paper. In reality just start contacting legitimate agencies and go to their open calls. If you are what the market is looking for, they will give you a call back.

Girls can easily become obsessed with losing weight, resulting in eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia among others. Keep in mind that being healthy is more important than being thin. What does it matter if you're wearing the hottest trends if you're inside a casket due to an eating disorder. Sounds rough? It's the truth.

If you're actually doing some modeling, be careful of "agents," "photographers," "model scouts," whatever. Make sure you bring your mom or your friend with you. Watch out for the sickos out there.

Watch out for the trend of plastic surgery. Just don't do it.

Don't get too stressed over your looks. Remember that love for yourself is more important than anything else, because it's what moves you to achieve things. It's all about having a good time. Being fashionable today is a lot like playing dress up when you were a little girl. It's all about experimenting and playing. Skip the plastic surgery, please!

Don't be a jerk! You need to have your own attitude, but looking pretty doesn't give you the right to look down on others and treat them badly. You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. A model's clients are always impressed with a sweet disposition.

Models are constantly being told to lose weight or gain weight. They are also rejected a lot for jobs. If you cant handle rejection without taking it personal then modeling is not for you. Find something else to do.

How to Look Pretty

Worried about your looks? Being pretty doesn't take much work, and the natural look is best. Remember: Beauty is more than skin deep!

Take care of your hair.
Get it trimmed regularly (search on-line for colours and styles that best fit your face shape and hair type).
Always brush it.but not too much..100 strokes every night is a myth that will only break your hair
Try straightening it to the side, or curling it wavy.
Dyes aren't that good and usually come out bad. But if you have to, then make sure it's one you like.
See to your skin.
Use moisturizer suited to your skin every day.
Exfoliate with facial and body scrub.
Try going for that fresh summer look by not plastering your face with makeup, but lightly adding it here and there. Makeup is made to enhance your features, not cover them. A little bit of eyeliner flatters your eyes, and a bit of mascara at the tips can make the lashes longer. Don't wear any shocking colors during the day. Keep natural during the day and play it up during the night.
Fix up your fashion sense.
Pick clothes that flatter your body, but don't go too far. People get the wrong impression if you show too much skin. You can be cute and look conservative at the same time! Try a pair of jeans and a shirt, or a skirt with a nice shirt.
Flatter a blah outfit with accessories, but don't over-accessorize! Less is more.
If you want to feel sexy, try something a little different, like a new skirt or new pair of underwear, but don't go overboard. Don't try to wear clothes that don't fit you. If it's too small, or too big, get it tailored or return it. Buy clothing which flatters you, and creates a lean, curvaceous line.
Smile! Making the effort to smile every once in a while will make you feel better about yourself, and make others feel positive. You can even practice smiling in the mirror--it'll be a great start to your day and set you off in the right mood. You never know who is appreciating your smile!
Stand up straight. This makes you look like you respect yourself, and others will follow your lead. Plus, it has the visual effect of smoothing out any bulges that aren't particularly flattering.
Understand the value of inner beauty. There are "pretty" people in this world, and after talking to a few of them, you can begin to think that they aren't so pretty. A bad attitude towards others can make you seem really ugly inside, and make people stop paying attention to who you are on the outside. So remember that all the makeup in the world won't help if you are unhappy and nasty. Respect yourself, respect others and you will feel great.
Feel good about yourself. When you feel good, you look good. People are attracted to and feel comfortable with people who respect themselves. Liking yourself and respecting yourself doesn't mean you are conceited, it just shows others that you care about your body. A fun, light personality makes everyone comfortable. Be yourself, be warm to others, and feel great. Soon enough, others are bound to notice.
If your friends give you positive compliments, don't try to change them into negative ones, accept them and use them to make you feel even better. Expressing a modest "thank you" is much healthier than putting yourself down.
Exercise. Everyone loves someone who respects themselves and cares for their body. Looking great doesn't mean makeup and clothes and all that jazz, it means feeling good about yourself and staying healthy. Exercise for an hour or half hour at the least every day, and drink 8 glasses of water daily. The water helps you get a nice glow in your skin and makes your complexion much more clear. If you don't have time to get to the gym one day, try incorporating 40 minutes of brisk walking - this can be as simple as walking around on coffee and lunch breaks for 20 minutes at a time or even walking to work or school instead of driving or taking the bus. Any sports that you find interesting are nice, but if you don't play a sport find an exercise that fits you.
Get enough sleep. This will help you to always look your best. Regular sleeping patterns help your body to effectively regenerate and feel great the next day!
Body Brush everyday. Body brushing is just when you get a plastic(synthetic) or natural bristle brush and rub it in circular motions all over your body, working from the feet upwards and working towards the heart. It helps tone skin, reduce cellulite and it removes all the dead skin which makes you glow! Its best to do it in the morning, because it wakes you up. Make sure to always do it on dry skin.
Maintain good dental hygiene - Brush your teeth after every meal, floss twice daily, use mouth wash, and remember: the more you brush, the better it is. Whiten your teeth. Everyone looks better with whiter teeth, and it's not very expensive if you buy the strips you can apply yourself.
Calculate your body mass index (BMI) to know your healthy weight range. Don't become obsessed with an absolute number or compare your weight to that of others.
Remove unwanted body hair. Depending on cultural preference, wax, shave, or pluck your leg hairs, bikini line (if you are going to be seen in underwear), armpits, eyebrows, and upper lip.

Drink plenty of water each day, and eat nutritious foods such as fish, fruit, veggies, and whole-grains. Your skin will glow. If you have acne-prone skin, do a tree tea oil steam facial. The steam will open up your pores and the tree tea oil will help your acne disappear. Try going in the sauna occasionally as well. Make sure to wash your face with a cleanser made for your type of skin after doing a steam facial or taking a sauna. After washing your face, apply an oil free moisturizer. Though this may seem stupid, even if you're a teenager, add wrinkle cream. It sounds really stupid, but it makes your face glow.
Society (at least Western society) tells us that hair only belongs on four places; your head, your eyelashes, arms, and your eyebrows. Wax or shave your legs, and underarms, and other parts where you have unnecessary hair. Waxing lasts longer and usually works better. It is best to get waxing done at salons.
Consider going to a proper, expensive hairdresser. The extra money is worth it, and the products they use are much better quality. If you're not sure what hair cut looks good on you, ask your stylist what haircuts suit your face shape [i.e. round, oval, square, heart shaped].
Keep your nails looking nice. Get your nails done at least 2 times a month. If you cannot afford constant trips to the salon, do your nails at home. French manicures are not as hard to do as they seem. Keep your cuticles (the half-moon border of the finger to the nail) clean and clear by gently pushing back the cuticle with the cardboard shaft of a cotton swab or other such object. Don’t forget about your toes!
Always wash your hair. Keep it shiny and healthy-looking by using the right shampoos. Make sure to use conditioners and anti-frizz serums if you have frizz-prone hair. If you don't want or don't have time to shower in the mornings, shower the night before and do the styling in the morning. This way, you might still have time to take a quick shower with a shower cap (so you don't have to wash your hair). You can braid your hair while its still wet, which creates flirty waves the next morning, or you can straighten your hair. Brush through your hair and decide how you want to style it. Decide which styles flatter your face's shape the most, and which make you feel good.
Try your perfumes (if you have them), and see what makes you feel best. Also, you can try body lotions, or body splashes. Ones that tend to make people feel best are shimmery ones. If you do spray yourself with perfume, please do not overdo it. Spritz yourself once or twice on your wrist, rub that wrist onto the other wrist, and then onto your elbows and neck. That creates a hint of scent, which is sexy.
Take care of your lips. Use a medicated chapstick, and add lip gloss when appropriate.
Shoes with heels will make your legs look amazing; if those aren't possible, wear some funky tennis shoes.
Look at yourself in the mirror. What are your best features? Your legs? Your hair? Your mouth? Your shoulders? Now, think of ways you can enhance those features. For example, if you have great hair, wash it every other day to make it shinier. For long legs, make sure you shave everyday, so you can show off those legs in mini skirts or cool shorts (if the weather allows). For great shoulders or bone structure, you can wear shirts that show off those things, like halter tops.
Take a long, not-too-hot bath every night. It will help to relax you, so you will radiate happiness, and give you a great glow.
If you're ever feeling down about how you look, go out to dinner with a few of your friends. Good friends are there to listen, cheer you up, and keep you laughing.
If you're happy inside, it'll show up on the outside. Do things you enjoy --- go to a concert, wear purple shoes, play with puppies, whatever floats your boat!
Confidence is one of the sexiest things in the world. Embolden yourself! Keep your posture straight and your head up --- this creates the image that you know exactly who you are, what you want, and where you're going. Wear a different shade of eyeshadow. Re-decorate your room. Strike up conversations with strangers. Be bold, but don't be careless about it -- know your limits. Know that you are beautiful in your very own unique way, and that being pretty does not have to mean looking like everyone else.
Be yourself! Get over jealousy and comparisons to others. See what makes others look good. How do they accentuate the positive? How do they minimize or distract attention from their flaws?
Don't worry if you don't have a perfect figure or flawless skin. Beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes! And anyway, real beauty is what's on the inside.
If you keep a few black and white things in your wardrobe, you will always have something to go with your other coordinates.
Currently, eyebrows that are thinner than toothpicks are unfashionable. Your eyebrows should look like eyebrows, but be sure to tweeze strays that go outside the hairline.
Another tip, just be yourself. Don't act like anyone but the person you are, thats what people will think and remember the most about.
DO NOT overdo the glitter and/or makeup,otherwise you will look like a clown!

Don't go overboard with the makeup. Looking natural, without a ton of makeup, can make you realize that you do not need it. You can look so beautiful by "just by being yourself". Always think twice as to whether or not you actually need to apply makeup all over your entire face... chances are that you do not. Apply a concealer instead and blend evenly around any blemishes or discolorations. Cover afterwards with a loose powder to even things out. Remember that a great smile is a wonderful asset, so take care of your teeth and see a dentist regularly.
Beware of marketing scams that say that you will be beautiful or feel better about yourself if you get this product. It's not true. And never be fooled by beautiful models — getting a Ferrari won't make you become skinny like that gorgeous girl on the billboard.
Don't change your interests or values just because the outside of you is getting a makeover. You don't have to stop loving dogs or cooking toffee just because you decided to straighten your hair every day.
Try to stay away from fashion magazines. They won't do a thing for your confidence.

Things You'll Need
Moisturizer for your skin type.
Shampoo and conditioner for your hair type.
Hair products to address issues such as frizz, dryness, etc.
Exfoliating scrub
Skin-care products for your skin-type
Glitter and makeup

How to Look Beautiful at the Beach

Its almost summer time, which is also beach time, and you want to feel and look gorgeous for your long summer days at the beach...Start now to get ready and be ready to be the star of the beach!

Go shopping for a pretty swimsuit that suits your shape. For a big bust, opt for a bikini top with cups or inner support. For a tummy, maybe try a tankini and if you are worried about your hips/bum, boy leg shorts always look hot. Pastel colours suit paler skins whereas bright colours look great on tanned or dark skin.
Make sure that in preparation for the beach, you remember to remove all unwanted body hair and give your body a full exfoliation with a body scrub in the shower. Moisturising afterwards leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth.
Apply a self-tanner for a bronzed, beach babe look might be optional and should be applied after you moisturise, but remember, pale skin can be beautiful too.
Paint nails and toenails a bright summer colour in a sunset tone such as bright yellow and orange hues.
Spritz a conditioning spray in your hair before leaving the house, to protect it from the sun's harmful rays.
Apply a clear sunscreen of at least 30 SPF all over your body and face, and spray a fresh, summer fragrance for an irresistable scent. Some lovely summer perfumes include CK summer One and Island by Michael Kors. Apply a tinted moisturiser, waterproof mascara, soft pink blush and a light pink lip gloss with some SPF in it. For the more daring, bright eyeshadows in aqua or orange can look amazing.

For a natural beauty therapy whilst at the beach, you can give your body an exfoliation with sand and rinse with pure ocean water.
For a more subtle tan, mix self-tanner with your moisturiser for a lighter 'glow'.
Spray an anti-frizz treatment in your hair and then leave au natural. Low mainentance should be the main aim at the beach.

Don't forget to have a shower before you head for the beach...body odour on a hot summer day is a real turn-off.
Don't forget to maintain a weekly exercise regimen and a healthy eating plan to make sure you look great in your bikini!

Cool and beautiful Babes from all over the world

Let's enjoy the cool pics of cool babes from all over the world. Just the first post and hence want you to enjoy them.